Thursday, June 28, 2012



(Eh hem... *装正经一下*)

拉大华乐团在昨天 6 月 26 日(星期三)晚上 8 点在很舒服的 A003 Auditorium 举办了一年一度的常年大会。这应该是本乐团举办的第四次常年大会,主要目的是为了吃免费晚餐和让上一届筹委做秘书及查帐报告,还有投选新一任的筹委员和团长来继续带领并管理整个华乐团。前任主席秦智康同学主持了这一次的常年大会。这次的常年大会虽然出席率不太理想,但是团员们都很积极地参与投票活动。投票活动结束后,这场小小的聚会也就在 9 点半散场了。 以下就是常年大会的小小点滴:




经过一场又一场的龙争虎斗投票活动,新一届的筹委员终于诞生啦!前任主席也在场交待了一些小吩咐(音乐室要买厨柜铁架什么的...)希望他们可以在他们任职的这一年完成。至于谁是我们新一届的主席嘛... 就是这位中文系的帅哥啦!




在这里恭喜各位榜上题名的团员们啦!也希望各位能给与他们 100% 的合作,一起把华乐的魅力散播到每一位拉大生的心里!*拍手拍手*

Wednesday, June 20, 2012



Monday, June 18, 2012

Spring Cleaning

Well well... the first intensive ensemble practice for the upcoming concert seems to be quite of a success ! It was held last Saturday and Sunday at Block C which lightens the percussionist's burden to carry all the heavy drums to Block H. (Eh hem...) Other than the current batch of ensemble members, we're all pleased and happy to meet our friends who came for the practice while having their interns far far away AND our alumni COU mates ! We appreciate their effort by joining this practice with us. 

At the end of the day of our practice, the long waited time has arrived: who will be the one staying back and cleaning our music room ?


Here's how we cleaned the music room:
Firstly, we moved out every single instrument and items that could be found in the room. And guess what we found ourselves ? Tons of rubbish and surprisingly some snacks treats that help to replenish our stamina ! 

#Eeleen Shan was lifting the giant double bass !#

#All the instruments were taken out from the tiny room.#

#Yang qin, gu zheng and all sort of decorative rubbishes.#

#Bunch of small pieces of papers and dust. Since we didnt managed to borrow any brooms, our creative member came out with an idea by using the dried lemongrass leaves found at the lakeside as a cleaning tool !#

The most stunning item that we discovered in the room was this !!!

#It's an elephant... no, it's a fossil... no, it's a dinosaur... NO, it's a freaking skeleton of a dead mice hiding behind the piano stand !#

After all the cleaning and sweeping, the instruments were all arranged back to the room in a proper position. 

#Ta da !!! I sense freshness and tidiness here !!! Thanks to all those who helped the cleaning and arranging !!!#

#This is the "treat" that I mentioned earlier ! These bunch of people managed to found themselves a can of longan in sugar syrup in the middle of the cleaning and they even utilizes the resource that they found (paper cups) to share the reward ! I wonder how they opened that can though... #

#Lets welcome our newest member in the music room ! *Clap clap clap*#

Personally, I think that we should made this "spring cleaning" into an annual event just before or after the AGM. It seemed to be a very meaningful activity for the members to have an adventure in discovering whats inside the music room. Lastly, a million thanks to those who helped out that day. Your hard work will never be forget as it was already recorded down here !!! 

Ciao~ Photos credited to their respective owners "Spiky" Wong PF and Chin Tsin. =)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

拉大华乐团第三届演奏会《享 • 乐》集训营

为了配合 UTAR Music Club 举办的 UTAR Music Festival 2012 (拉大音乐节 2012),拉大华乐团很荣幸的被邀请举办一场演奏会作为这次音乐节的其中一项节目。所以叻,我们就趁这个机会举办我们拉大华乐团第三届的演奏会,《享 • 乐》。

#有关更多拉大音乐节 2012 的详情及资讯可以点击这里浏览。请点击这里浏览拉大华乐团《享 • 乐》的 Facebook 专业。#

#这次音乐节的四个主要活动:拉大华乐团演奏会,UTAR Piano "Living the Moment" Competition,卡拉 OK 歌唱比赛和 Music Sharing。#

这次的集训营将会在 week 3,5,7 和 9 的星期六、日 Block H001-002 举行(地点或许会有更改到 Block C cafeteria);星期六是晚上 7.30pm-11.00pm ,而星期日是早上 10.00am-4.00pm 左右。平时的合奏练习照常是每个星期一晚上 7.30pm-10.00pm 在 Block C cafeteria。
